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Floridians enjoy a four season climate: Tourist season, Hurricane season, Football season and HalloThanxChrisNuYears. That said, we reverently pay homage to the seasons in absentia like Fall and Winter.
Getting “Fall” to Come to Florida
Forage for fall foliage — a great excuse to hit the road and drive north.
Lie in hammocks in your leafless backyards and post pics of your sandal-ed feet.
When the temps do dip below 90, skip work! (whoops! We meant to say skip TO work)
Attend fabulous Florida Fall Festivals even without the actual “Fall” part.
Choose cool Halloween costumes that don’t even have to keep you warm.
Sweat through outdoor football and soccer games aided by LOTS of cold beverages.
Take field trips to actual fields: farms, mazes , farmers’ markets, hayrides, pumpkin patches.
Google “Octoberfest ” and then take your pick from all over the state.
Break out your infinity scarf (or your knit cap) and drink pumpkin pie smoothies inside with air conditioning.
Grab a blanket, some wood and roast marshmallows on the beach under the stars.
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