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5 Healthy Habits for Your Heart

February is Heart Health Awareness Month.  Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Yikes. Here are some strategies for taking care of YOUR heart.

  • Move your body! Gadgets galore track your steps – go for 10,000 a day! Dance, swim, take a yoga class.
  • Put your heart on your grocery list: Opt for oatmeal, salmon, berries of many hues. Enjoy our fab heart-healthy Florida oranges and avocados.
  • Know your numbers. Keep tabs on your blood pressure, monitor your heart rate during exercise, watch your weight.
  • Take your Doc’s advice: Don’t smoke, avoid saturated fats and limit your sugar intake.
  • Dial back stress! Don’t overpromise, leave “white space” in your calendar, relax with friends, curl up with a book, nap. Book a massage, we think it’s an awesome way to relax.

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